
Dr. Pricila Mullachery is an interdisciplinary scholar with a background in health disparities, 政策分析, and causal inference. Her research is focused on the effect of laws and policies on health outcomes among disadvantaged populations. She is particularly interested in elucidating the mechanisms by which policies may mitigate or exacerbate existing health disparities. Her research on disparities includes complex public health issues related to the opioid epidemic, the burden of chronic non-communicable diseases, 和COVID-19.

Dr. Mullachery received a PhD in public health policy from New York University and completed postdoctoral training in social epidemiology and urban health at Drexel University School of Public Health. Dr. Mullachery also received an MPH from NYU and a dental surgery degree from the University of Pernambuco, 巴西.


  • PhD, Public Health Policy, New York University
  • MPH, New York University
  • MS, Fiocruz Foundation, 巴西
  • DDS, University of Pernambuco, College of Dentistry, 巴西






HPM 5006

Political and Economic Aspects of Health


HPM 8013

研究 Methods in Health Policy


Selected Publications

  • Mullachery P.H.比拉尔,美国.李,R., & 麦克卢尔L.A. (2024). Area-水平 Social Vulnerability and Severe COVID-19: A Case-Control Study Using Electronic Health Records from Multiple Health Systems in the Southeastern Pennsylvania Region. J城市卫生, 101(4), pp. 845-855. 美国. doi: 10.1007/s11524-024-00876-6

  • Mullachery P.H.利马-科斯塔,M.F., & 球场,一个.I.d.e.L. (2023). Prevalence of pain and use of prescription opioids among older adults: results from the 巴西ian Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSI-巴西). Lancet Reg Health Am, 20, p. 100459. 英格兰. doi: 10.1016/j.拉娜.2023.100459

  • D 'Adamo,.Schnake-Mahl,., Mullachery P.H.,拉佐,M.鲁克斯,A.V.D., & Bilal U. (2023). Health disparities in past influenza pandemics: A scoping review of the literature. SSM大众健康, 21, p. 101314. 英格兰. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2022.101314

  • Mullachery P.H.奎斯伯格,D.A.,拉佐,M.英德维克,K.佩雷斯-费雷尔,C., López-Olmedo, N.科尔切罗,M.A., & Bilal U. (2022). Evaluation of the national sobriety checkpoints program in Mexico: a difference-in-difference approach with variation in timing of program adoption. Inj论文, 9(1), p. 32. 英格兰. doi: 10.1186/s40621-022-00407-4

  • Schnake-Mahl,.S.O’leary, G., Mullachery P.H.斯金纳,A.科尔克,J.鲁克斯,A.V.D.罗德曼,J.R., & Bilal U. (2022). Higher COVID-19 Vaccination And Narrower Disparities In US Cities With Paid Sick Leave Compared To Those Without. Health Aff (Millwood), 41(11), pp. 1565-1574. 美国. doi: 10.1377 / hlthaff.2022.00779

  • Schnake-Mahl,.S., Mullachery P.H.珀特尔,J.李,R.鲁克斯,A.V.D., & Bilal U. (2022). Heterogeneity in Disparities in Life Expectancy Across US Metropolitan Areas. 流行病学, 33(6), pp. 890-899. 美国. doi: 10.1097 /爱德.0000000000001537

  • Mullachery P.H.李,R.媚兰,S.科尔克,J.巴伯,S.鲁克斯,A.V.D., & Bilal U. (2022). Inequities in spatial accessibility to COVID-19 testing in 30 large US cities. 社会科学, 310, p. 115307. 英格兰. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.115307

  • Mullachery P.H.维拉,E.克莱里斯,M.J . Comin-Colet.纳西尔,K.鲁克斯,A.V.D., Cainzos-Achirica, M.毛里,J., & Bilal U. (2022). Inequalities by Income in the Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease and Its Risk Factors in the Adult Population of Catalonia. 我心脏协会, 11(17), p. e026587. 英格兰. doi: 10.1161 / JAHA.122.026587

  • Bilal U., Mullachery P.H.Schnake-Mahl,.罗林斯,H.麦卡利,E.科尔克,J.巴伯,S., & 面粉糊,.V.D. (2022). Heterogeneity in Spatial Inequities in COVID-19 Vaccination Across 16 Large US Cities. 流行病学杂志, 191(9), pp. 1546-1556. 美国. doi: 10.1093 / aje / kwac076

  • 莫兰,K.M., Mullachery P.H.南卡罗来纳州兰肯瑙市., & Bilal U. (2022). Changes in Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Opioid-Related Outcomes in Urban Areas during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Rapid Review of the Literature. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19(15). 瑞士. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19159283

  • Bilal U.麦卡利,E.李,R.罗林斯,H.Schnake-Mahl,., Mullachery P.H.Vaidya, V.C.杜雷加,K.Sharaf, A.古川,A.朱利亚诺,C.巴伯,S.科尔克,J., & 面粉糊,.V.D. (2022). Tracking COVID-19 Inequities Across Jurisdictions Represented in the Big Cities Health Coalition (BCHC): The COVID-19 Health Inequities in BCHC Cities Dashboard. 公共卫生, 112(6), pp. 904-912. 美国. doi: 10.2105 / AJPH.2021.306708

  • McCulley E.M., Mullachery P.H.奥尔提戈萨,A.F., Rodríguez, D.A.鲁克斯,A.V.D., & Bilal U. (2022). Urban Scaling of Health Outcomes: a Scoping Review. J城市卫生, 99(3), pp. 409-426. 美国. doi: 10.1007/s11524-021-00577-4

  • Mullachery P.H.南卡罗来纳州兰肯瑙市.鲁克斯,A.V.D.李,R.汉森,R.M., & Bilal U. (2022). Urban scaling of opioid overdose deaths in the USA: a cross-sectional study in three periods between 2005 and 2017. BMJ开放, 12(3), p. e048831. 英格兰. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048831

  • Schnake-Mahl,.S.O’leary, G., Mullachery P.H.Vaidya, V.康纳,G.罗林斯,H.科尔克,J.鲁克斯,A.V.D., & Bilal U. (2022). The Impact of Keeping Indoor 餐厅 Closed on COVID-19 Rates Among Large US Cities: A Quasi-Experimental Design. 流行病学, 33(2), pp. 200-208. 美国. doi: 10.1097 /爱德.0000000000001444

  • Mullachery P.H.罗德里格斯,D.A.米兰达,J.J., López-Olmedo, N., Martinez-Folgar, K.巴雷托,M.L.鲁克斯,A.V.D., & Bilal U. (2022). Mortality amenable to healthcare in Latin American cities: a cross-sectional study examining between-country variation in amenable mortality and the role of urban metrics. 国际流行病学, 51(1), pp. 303-313. 英格兰. doi: 10.1093 / ije / dyab137

  • Macinko J. & Mullachery P.H. (2022). Primary care experiences among 巴西ian adults: Cross-sectional evidence from the 2019 National Health Survey. 《皇冠体育app》, 17(6), p. e0269686. 美国. doi: 10.1371 /杂志.玉米饼.0269686

  • 华伦天奴,G.奥尔提戈萨,A.奥西亚克,L.R.多伯蒂,T., Mullachery P., & Nazzal C. (2022). Smoking Ban Law in Chile: Impact in Newborns' Birth Weight by Women's Age Groups and by City Population Density. 国际公共卫生, 67, p. 1605087. 瑞士. doi: 10.3389 / ijph.2022.1605087

  • Macinko J. & Mullachery P.H. (2022). 教育-related health inequities in noncommunicable diseases: an analysis of the 巴西ian National Health Survey, 2013年和2019年. Cad Saude Publica, 38Suppl 1(Suppl 1), p. e00137721. 巴西. doi: 10.1590/0102-311X00137721

  • Mullachery P.H. & Macinko J. (2022). 作者回答道. Cad Saude Publica, 38Suppl 1(Suppl 1), p. e00010422. 巴西. doi: 10.1590/0102-311X00010422

  • Bilal U.卡斯特罗,C。.P.d.e.阿尔法罗,T., Barrientos-Gutierrez, T.巴雷托,M.L.C .勒沃.M., Martinez-Folgar, K.米兰达,J.J.蒙特斯,F., Mullachery P.皮娜,M.F.罗德里格斯,D.A.桑托斯,G.F.D.安德拉德,R.F.S., & 面粉糊,.V.D. (2021). Scaling of mortality in 742 metropolitan areas of the Americas. Sci副词, 7(50), p. eabl6325. 美国. doi: 10.1126 / sciadv.abl6325

  • Mullachery P.H. & Bilal U. (2021). Social cross-over in cardiovascular disease: context matters. , 107(10), pp. 778-780. 英格兰. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2020-318691

  • Bilal U.埃塞尔,P.佩雷斯-费雷尔,C.迈克尔,Y.L.阿尔法罗,T.Tenorio-Mucha, J.弗里切,A.A.L.皮娜,M.F.Vives, A.快,H.Alazraqui, M.罗德里格斯,D.A.米兰达,J.J.迪兹-鲁克斯,A.V., & 组,年代. (2021). Life expectancy and mortality in 363 cities of Latin America. Nat地中海, 27(3), pp. 463-470. 美国. doi: 10.1038/s41591-020-01214-4

  • Mullachery P.H. & Bilal U. (2021). Urban scaling of opioid analgesic sales in the 美国. 《皇冠体育app》, 16(10), p. e0258526. 美国. doi: 10.1371 /杂志.玉米饼.0258526

  • Mullachery P.麦金科,J., & 银、维. (2020). Have Health Reforms in 巴西 Reduced Inequities in Access to Cancer Screenings for Women? J Ambul Care Manage, 43(3), pp. 257-266. 美国. doi: 10.1097 /江淮.0000000000000333

  • McCulley E.M., Mullachery P.罗德里格斯,D.鲁克斯,A.V.D., & Bilal U. (2019). Urban scaling of health outcomes: a protocol for a scoping review. BMJ开放, 9(11), p. e031176. 英格兰. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031176

  • 副,N.P.夏尔马,A.J.邦巴德,J.M.,鞭笞,T.L.席夫,L.A.Ramakrishnan,美国.斯坦,A.D.纽兰-芬克,M., Mullachery P., & 李,E. (2019). Quality of Maternal Height and Weight Data from the Revised Birth Certificate and Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System. 流行病学, 30(1), pp. 154-159. 美国. doi: 10.1097 /爱德.0000000000000936