Financial Support

The Department of Psychology and Neuroscience is committed to ensuring that doctoral students are funded for five years as they progress through the program. This funding is typically in the form of a part-time assistantship that provides a stipend in return for services as a teaching assistant or research assistant. The amount of the stipend is determined by the contract between the university and the Temple University Graduate Student Association. The nine-month academic year stipend for 2021–2022 was $20,840. This stipend comes with full tuition remission as well as health benefits for the student.

The College of Liberal Arts provides additional funding for research over the summer at the end of the first year of the doctoral program. After the first year, summer support is not guaranteed but often comes through support from faculty grants or summer session teaching. In addition to the stipend support, there is funding available from CLA for advanced students to attend workshops related to their graduate training (e.g., coding workshops, neuroimaging workshops/boot camps, statistical workshops).

External Funding

Certain organizations outside of Temple University provide grants, fellowships, scholarships and other awards for graduate students. Learn more about the numerous external awards and funds available to graduate students.

Research and Teaching Assistantships 

As a graduate student, you may apply for a research or teaching assistantship.

  • Research assistantships are awarded competitively. Research assistants work up to 20 hours a week and are compensated with a basic health insurance plan, a stipend and tuition remission.
  • Teaching assistantships typically require you to work 20 hours a week in support of the department’s undergraduate programs. You’ll be compensated with a basic health insurance plan, nine credits of tuition remission per term and a nine-month stipend.

Learn more about graduate teaching or research assistants at the university

Graduate Fellowships

Fellowships are available through Temple’s graduate school for students with exceptional academic records. They include

  • presidential fellowships, which are reserved for only the most outstanding candidates; and
  • university fellowships, which are intended to support students who demonstrate outstanding potential for success in their chosen fields.

These fellowships provide a stipend plus tuition for two years. Learn more about fellowship opportunities for graduate students.

Fellowship Advising

Find information regarding fellowships on the Scholar Development and Fellowships Advising page including resources for preparing a competitive application.

If you are considering applying for a graduate fellowship, schedule an appointment to meet with the fellowships advisor.